200 Spanish Words with Indigenous Roots

In two different classes recently, we had conversations about indigenous words in Spanish: boricua and huracán. There are many, many more: barbacoa, tomate, chicle, chocolate, quinoa, papa, condor, maíz… In recognition of my students’ curiosity and Indigenous Peoples Day, here is a list of 200 Spanish Words with Indigenous Roots.


Spanish English Origin
caraota black bean Arawakan
chinchilla chinchilla Aymara
mico monkey (small species) Cumanagoto
maracuyá passion fruit Guaraní
ñandú rhea (large bird) Guaraní
jaguar jaguar Guaraní
biznaga barrel cactus Huitzli nahual
lempira currency of Honduras; also a Lenca indigenous leader Lenca
quiltro mutt (dog) Mapudungun
maya Maya (civilization and people) Maya / K’iche’
cacao the bean from which chocolate is made, from the K’iche’ Maya word *kakaw* Maya / K’iche’
cenote a natural sinkhole or underground reservoir, common in the Yucatán Peninsula Maya / K’iche’
chicle chewing gum, derived from the sap of the sapodilla tree, called *tsicte* in Maya Maya / K’iche’
chocolate derived from the Nahuatl word *xocolatl*, but originally from the Maya word *chocol* (hot) and *atl* (water), referring to a drink made with cacao. Maya / K’iche’
cigarro cigarette, originally from the Maya word *sikar* meaning “to smoke.” Maya / K’iche’
guacamayo macaw, a large colorful parrot native to Central and South America Maya / K’iche’
henequén henequen (a plant used to make rope) Maya / K’iche’
huipil a traditional embroidered blouse worn by indigenous women in Central America, from the Maya word *huipil*. Maya / K’iche’
huipil a traditional embroidered blouse worn by indigenous women in central america, from the maya word *huipil*. Maya / K’iche’
itzá the name of a Maya group, giving rise to terms like the famous *Chichén Itzá*. Maya / K’iche’
ixchel the name of the Maya goddess of fertility, medicine, and the moon, from the K’iche’ *ix* (goddess or lady). Maya / K’iche’
jacinto the name of a flower, from the Maya word *jacinto*. Maya / K’iche’
petén the region in northern Guatemala, named after the K’iche’ word *petén* meaning “island” or “area with water.” Maya / K’iche’
pibil a method of cooking food underground, common in yucatán cuisine (as in “cochinita pibil”). Maya / K’iche’
quiché Mayan Maya / K’iche’
sacbé white limestone roads built by the Maya, meaning “white road.” Maya / K’iche’
tamale from the Maya word *tamalli*, a traditional dish made of corn dough filled with meats or other fillings. Maya / K’iche’
tepache a fermented drink made from pineapple or corn, from the Maya word *tepach* meaning “corn drink.” Maya / K’iche’
tizón burning log or firebrand, possibly derived from *t’ison* in Maya, referring to something burnt or charred. Maya / K’iche’
yucatán the name of the peninsula, traditionally thought to come from a misunderstanding between the Spanish and Maya, where the latter said *ma’anaatik ka t’ann* (“I don’t understand what you are saying”). Maya / K’iche’
cacao cacao, cocoa Náhuatl
chilacayote fig-leaf gourd Náhuatl
ixtle fiber from agave Náhuatl
jacal adobe hut Náhuatl
jícara gourd, small bowl Náhuatl
jitomate tomato (Mexican Spanish) Náhuatl
náhuatl Nahuatl (Aztec language) Náhuatl
petate straw mat Náhuatl
pinole roasted corn flour Náhuatl
sonsote, cenzotle mockingbird Náhuatl
tarahumara indigenous group from Mexico Náhuatl
tequila tequila Nahuatl
tuna prickly pear fruit Náhuatl
tuza corn husk Náhuatl
hule rubber Náhuatl
amate fig tree bark paper Náhuatl amatl
atole traditional hot corn-based drink Náhuatl atolli
aguacate avocado Náhuatl awakatl
ajolote axolotl Náhuatl axolotl
capulín black cherry Náhuatl capulin
chayote chayote (a type of squash) Náhuatl chayotl
chile, chili chili pepper Náhuatl chilli
elote corn on the cob Náhuatl elotl
ejote green bean Náhuatl exotl
cacahuate, cacahuete peanut Náhuatl kakawatl
cacomistle, cacomiztle, cacomixtle ringtail (a type of raccoon-like mammal) Náhuatl kakomixtli
calpulli Aztec communal land Náhuatl kalpulli
camote sweet potato Náhuatl kamohtli
cuate buddy, twin (Mexican slang) Náhuatl koatl
coyote coyote Náhuatl koyotl
mapache raccoon Náhuatl mapachtli
mecate rope Náhuatl mekatl
milpa cornfield (traditional farming system) Náhuatl milpan
mixteco Mixtec (indigenous group) Náhuatl mixtekatl
mesquite mesquite (tree) Náhuatl mizquitl
mole mole (Mexican sauce) Náhuatl molli
nopal prickly pear cactus Náhuatl nopalli
ocelote ocelot Náhuatl ocelotl
ocote pine tree (specific to Central America) Náhuatl okotl
olmeca Olmec (ancient civilization) Náhuatl olmekatl
pulque fermented agave drink Náhuatl poliuhqui octli
quetzal quetzal (bird) Náhuatl quetzalli
tamal tamale Náhuatl tamalli
tepehuán indigenous group from Mexico
Náhuatl Tēpēhuanih, Tepēhuāntin, Tēpēhuanitlahtōlli, and/or Tepēhuahcān
tomate tomato Náhuatl tómatl
chicle chewing gum Náhuatl tsikitl
jícama jicama (root vegetable) Náhuatl xikámatl
chocolate chocolate Náhuatl xokolatl
zacate grass Náhuatl zakatl
zapoteca Zapotec (indigenous group) Náhuatl zapotekatl
zapote sapote (fruit) Náhuatl zapotl
zopilote buzzard, vulture Náhuatl zopilotl
popote drinking straw (Mexican Spanish) Náhuatl popotl
pozole corn soup Náhuatl pozolli
tiza chalk Náhuatl tizatl
mandioca cassava Nheengatu/Guaraní manio’k / mandio
achira canna lily Quechua
caucho rubber Quechua
chaleco vest or waistcoat Quechua
chía chia seed Quechua
chicha a fermented or non-fermented drink made from corn or other grains. Quechua
coca the plant whose leaves are used for medicinal purposes and as the raw material for cocaine. Quechua
guano fertilizer made from bird or bat excrement. Quechua
huaca sacred place (Inca culture) Quechua
huaco pottery artifact (Andean region) Quechua
huayco mudslide (Peru) Quechua
llama llama Quechua
llama a South American domesticated animal used for transport and wool. Quechua
locro a type of soup or stew common in the Andes, made with corn, beans, and potatoes. Quechua
machu picchu meaning “Old Peak,” referring to the famous ancient Incan site. Quechua
ñapa, yapa small bonus (e.g., extra food or goods) Quechua
palta avocado (South America) Quechua
pampa plain (grassland) Quechua
papa potato Quechua
petaca flask Quechua
pisco a type of brandy produced in Peru and Chile, originally meaning “bird” in Quechua. Quechua
pita agave Quechua
poncho a traditional South American garment. Quechua
quena Andean flute Quechua
tambo a roadside inn or shelter in the Andes. Quechua
alpaca alpaca Quechua allpaqa
anticucho grilled meat skewers Quechua anti uchu
champa hut, shack Quechua ch’ampa
charqui jerky (dried meat) Quechua ch’arki
choro shellfish (in some regions), thief (slang) Quechua ch’uru
chacra small farm (Andean region) Quechua chakra
chaco lowland plain region (in South America) Quechua chaku
chirimoya cherimoya (custard apple) Quechua chiri muya
choclo corn (in some Latin American regions) Quechua chuqllu
inca Inca Quechua inka
cancha field, court (sports) Quechua kancha
quipu knot record system (Inca) Quechua khipu
quina quinine (used for malaria) Quechua kinakina
quinoa quinoa (grain) Quechua kinwa
coca coca plant (source of cocaine) Quechua kuka
condor condor (large bird) Quechua kuntur
curaca indigenous chief (Inca region) Quechua kuraka
mate mate (South American tea) Quechua mati
morocho corn-based drink (South America) Quechua muruch’u
nana grandmother, nanny (slang) Quechua ñaña
puma puma (cougar) Quechua puma
pupo belly button (informal) Quechua pupu
poroto bean (South America) Quechua purutu
poto buttocks (informal) Quechua putu
coronta corncob Quechua q’urunta
cañihua cañihua (a grain similar to quinoa) Quechua qañiwa
calincha hummingbird (possibly a regional variation) Quechua qharincha
quechua Quechua (language and people) Quechua qhichwa
quincha wattle and daub construction (Peru) Quechua qincha
zapallo squash Quechua sapallu
soroche altitude sickness Quechua suruchiq
tacho trash can (in some regions) Quechua tachu
tambo inn (Inca region) Quechua tampu
ojota sandal (South American) Quechua ushuta
huaraca sling (weapon) Quechua warak’a
vicuña vicuña (camelid animal) Quechua wik’uña
wincha headband (Andean region) Quechua wincha’
vizcacha viscacha (rodent) Quechua wisk’acha
yapa something extra, a bonus or gift Quechua yapay
yuyo weed Quechua yuyu
concho dregs (slang) qunchu
nigua chigoe flea Taino
barbacoa barbecue Taíno
batata sweet potato Taíno
bejuco vine Taíno
bohío hut Taíno
boricua Puerto Rican (person) Taíno
Borikén Puerto Rico (Taíno name) Taíno
borinqueño Puerto Rican (person, based on Taíno name) Taíno
cacique indigenous chief Taíno
caimán caiman Taíno
caníbal cannibal Taíno
canoa canoe Taíno
caoba mahogany Taíno
Caribe Caribbean Taíno
casabe, cazabe cassava bread Taíno
casava cassava Taíno
cayo small island, cay Taíno
ceiba ceiba tree Taíno
coquí small frog from Puerto Rico Taíno
Cuba Cuba Taíno
Haití Haiti Taíno
hamaca hammock Taíno
hicaco icaco (a type of tropical fruit) Taíno
huracán hurricane Taíno
iguana iguana Taíno
Jamaica Jamaica Taíno
jíbaro rural person from Puerto Rico Taíno
jobo hog plum Taíno
loro parrot Taíno
mabí, maví fermented drink (Caribbean) Taíno
macana club, stick Taíno
macanudo great, awesome (slang) Taíno
maguey agave Taíno
mamey mamey fruit Taíno
manatí manatee Taíno
mangle mangrove Taíno
maní peanut Taíno
papaya papaya Taíno
pécari peccary (wild pig) Taíno
quisqueyano Dominican (person) Taíno
sabana savanna Taíno
tiburón shark Taíno
yuca cassava Taíno
maíz corn Taíno mahiz
carioca person from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Tupi-Guarani
maraca maraca (musical instrument) Tupi-Guarani
tamandua anteater Tupi-Guarani
tapioca tapioca Tupi-Guarani
tucán toucan Tupi-Guarani